Friday, October 1, 2010

bakal kehilangan boss.....

Before Eidulfitri, my boss Justin told me and Ayu that he wanna go back to his hometown, Aussie in the middle of October.. at that time, i think he wanna go there for vacation.. but yesterday my colleagues told me that his contract won't be renew, so he will go back forever... haiya manyak sedey!!

he's my boss, Justin

As a boss, diye memang baik, sporting and caring.. tak pernah sekalipun diye tinggikan suara masa marah atau guna ayat2 pedas and kurang ajo.. diye cool jea bile tegur our mistakes.. aku yg hari-hari dtg lambat nie pun tak pernah kene marah.... hehehe abiz ar lepas nie da dpt boss baru kene ar dtg awal... (malasnye.............)

Masa kiteorg ada problem with Kelly (skrg nie aku keje under job agency) diye dgn pantas call Kelly and tell them to solve it.. After i get married, he treats us lunch at fatty crab (to celebrate my wedding, Joe's engagement and Prakash's birthday)... baiknyee........ bila kiteorg nie ade problem with channel, diye akan contact org channel.. mane nk dpt boss baik camni??hehe

Kalau setakat nk keluar kejap minum ke, makan ke, berasap or apa-apa jelah, diye tak kisah pun.. janji keje siap! kan?? baik-baik diye pun takdelah sampai aku nk take advantage tak buat keje pulak... :p

So kiteorg nie tgh plan nk buat farewell party before he leaves... sob sob sob sedeynye...... 

p/s: hopefully tak dapat kelly as a new boss..... lalalalalala


1 comment:

miss caprioska said...

aku sedeyy...habis la lepas nie.. 8 hari 10 mlm aku xmkn nasi..berkabung..huwaaaaaaaaa!!